BBQ Rub: Smoked Cinnamon Flavor (for Pork Rib, etc.)

BBQ Rub: Smoked Cinnamon Flavor


Smoked Cinnamon Flavor BBQ Rub is perfect for pork rib. Here is how to make it. Enjoy the flavor-packed journey of ribs – a delight for every bite!

When it comes to barbecue, there’s one irresistible delight I simply can’t overlook – ribs! Each succulent piece of meat boasts tenderness that’s beyond compare, a symphony of juices dancing with a medley of just-right fats and delectable connective tissues, weaving a tapestry of richness and flavor that’s pure magic. The ribs align their bones in a neat row, practically beckoning friends to gather round and partake in this feast of shared pleasure.


In the United States, I know beef ribs are a favorite, especially in the Southern regions. As someone from Asia, I tend to lean toward pork ribs – a delectable choice here, considering pork is a primary meat source, boasting both taste and affordability. Be it beef or pork, ribs are a tantalizing symphony of flavors waiting for me to savor.

A perfect companion for pork ribs – the BBQ Rub

There are countless rub varieties to suit different preferences, but today, let me introduce you to a timeless classic: the Smoked Cinnamon Flavor BBQ Rub. It’s tailor-made for pork ribs.


You might wonder, what about beef ribs? Of course, you can use any rub for any meat, but when it comes to the Smoked Cinnamon Flavor BBQ Rub, my heart lies with pork ribs. I once ventured to apply this BBQ Rub to beef ribs, only to face a culinary catastrophe. The robust essence of cinnamon and smoky chili powder in the rub proved too overpowering for the beef’s natural flavor, leaving my beef ribs in a flavorless haze. After all, the robust taste of beef is a pivotal element of its deliciousness. Furthermore, cinnamon’s inherent sweetness clashes with beef’s essence, resulting in a lack of harmony. Hence, I’ve learned my lesson – no more Smoked Cinnamon Flavor BBQ Rub for beef ribs. In contrast, pork ribs boast a more delicate flavor profile, making them perfect canvases for various seasonings, even requiring a bit more flair to enhance taste and texture.

About Smoked Cinnamon Flavor BBQ Rub

Let’s delve into the Smoked Cinnamon Flavor BBQ Rub’s secret recipe. When concocting this rub, we enlist brown sugar, smoked chili powder, cinnamon powder, onion powder, fresh garlic, and salt – all common ingredients easily found at your local supermarket.


Now, let’s talk sugar choices – in this barbecue journey, we’ve opted for brown sugar over white sugar. Ah, but there’s a reason behind this choice! You see, brown sugar is far from ordinary sugar. It’s crafted by evaporating and crystallizing sugarcane or beet juice, lending it a deep hue and extra moisture and trace elements compared to its white counterpart. This is precisely why all brown sugars exude a robust caramel aroma and a delicate hint of honey sweetness, enhancing our pork ribs with added layers of flavor. Of course, if you don’t have brown sugar on hand, white sugar will work just fine. Regardless of the sugar used, it will help form a delectable outer crust during the grilling process, adding a touch of sweetness.


Now, let’s discuss the choice of smoked chili powder. Personally, I’m inclined towards smoked paprika – why? Beyond its gentle spiciness, smoked paprika carries a subtle sweetness that resonates deeply with my palate. Of course, a dash of smoked cayenne adds an intense fiery kick. If, like me, you’re a lover of all things spicy, smoked cayenne is an excellent choice. However, if heat isn’t your cup of tea, simply go for smoked paprika.


As for garlic, most people opt for garlic powder, but I take a slightly different route. I prefer using freshly crushed garlic, you see. Fresh garlic is potent and aromatic, adding a vibrant intensity to the mix that seamlessly permeates the pork ribs during the marination process. It’s an invigorating burst of flavor that’s hard to resist. Yet, there’s a caveat – if you plan on making a substantial batch of Smoked Cinnamon Flavor BBQ Rub for future use, fresh garlic isn’t your best bet due to its moisture content. In that case, opt for garlic powder rather than fresh garlic.


In contrast to garlic, the zingy punch of fresh onion doesn’t quite match the potent essence of onion powder. Hence, I unhesitatingly opt for onion powder over fresh onion. As it turns out, each seasoning is a star in its own right on this barbecue adventure, infusing our pork ribs with delightful surprises of flavor!

Proportions for each ingredient

  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1.5 tablespoons smoked chili powder
  • 1.5 teaspoons cinnamon powder
  • 1.5 teaspoons onion powder
  • 2 teaspoons freshly ground garlic
  • Salt: to taste

Preparation steps

Now, let’s get to the exciting part – the preparation steps:


First, in a clean container, throw in the brown sugar, smoked chili powder, cinnamon powder, onion powder, freshly ground garlic, and salt all at once.


Next, channel your inner kitchen wizard with a mixing wand or the magical touch of your fingers, stirring and blending with gusto, ensuring those seasonings execute a captivating choreography of fusion within the container.


Then, it’s time to summon your taste buds’ jury – sample a bit of the rub to gauge its magical quotient. Adjust the enchanting ingredients as needed, according to your personal taste preferences. Remember, you’re the master of this flavor symphony, so feel free to orchestrate!

How to use the Smoked Cinnamon Flavor BBQ Rub

Now, the moment you’ve been waiting for – let’s add this bewitching rub to the ribs. Start by bestowing a gentle coat of oil on the exterior of the ribs. This secret potion ensures the ribs stay moist and sets the stage for the BBQ Rub to cling to the ribs’ surface.

Spread the rub evenly across the surface of the ribs, ensuring every inch of the glorious slab is covered in a layer of BBQ Rub magic.

Enshroud the entire rib masterpiece in a cocoon of preservation (plastic wrap works like a charm). This isn’t just about keeping them fresh; it’s about trapping the tantalizing scent of the BBQ Rub within the ribs, preventing it from dissipating into thin air.

Now, close your eyes and exercise a bit of patience. Allow the rub’s essence to weave itself into every fiber, every nook, and every cranny of the ribs’ tender embrace. This could take a few hours, or you might even choose to let them bask in the rub’s magic overnight, ensuring an optimal enchanting flavor.

Once the marination dance concludes, the stage is set for the grand barbecue performance! Place the ribs, infused with these captivating flavors, onto the electric grill. Watch them sizzle and serenade the flames, releasing an aroma that’s nothing short of a culinary enchantment. Oh, and don’t forget the pièce de résistance – the Brown Sauce, poised to grace your culinary masterpiece with the final touch of magic.

So, here’s to your insatiable appetite and an enchanting culinary journey that leaves you spellbound by every succulent bite!

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